Meet sweet Lexie! Lexie is a 60 lb lab/pit mix, about 1 1/2 years old. She is a friendly, affectionate, good good-natured dog. Lexie loves her walks, playing fetch, and spending as much time as possible getting attention from our volunteers. She is housebroken, crate-trained, and has lived with children. Lexie is a young, energetic pup and would do best in a home with an active family that will meet her exercise needs. She loves car rides and appears dog-friendly- a perfect companion for someone who likes taking their dog on adventures! If you’d like to meet this fun-loving sweetheart, please fill out an application on our website at If your application is a possible match, a volunteer will reach out to you to schedule a meet.
More about Lexie
Good with Dogs, Good with Kids, Good with Adults, Does Good in the Car, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Likes to play with toys, Obedient, Playful, Affectionate, Eager To Please, Intelligent, Even-tempered, Gentle
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