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Last Updated:
11/7/2022 10:37 AM
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Colby (Courtesy Post)'s Web Page

Pit Bull Terrier (short coat)  : :  Male  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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About Colby (Courtesy Post)

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Black
Colby found a home for the Holidays! Good luck, Colby! If you are interested in adopting this pet, please contact Marla at marlajposey@yahoo.com. Colby was found wondering around the cargo area of Port Elizabeth after Hurrican Sandy; wet, cold and hungry. We took him in on a temporary basis based, on his urgent need. He is a lover that wants to snuggle, loves chewy toys and playing catch. He is wonderful on a leash, sleeps well and is almost housebroken. Colby loves people and wants to be by your side, following you around so you aren't to far from his sight. Please give this puppy a chance to have a forever home and email marlajposey@yahoo.com today! Disclaimer: This website is used as a medium for any dog in need of a home. No information on this site is guaranteed. This site owner and the volunteers accept no responsibility for any liability or for any injury or damages to any person or property caused by any listed animals as well as any cause of action, claims, suits or demands whatsoever that may arise as a result of such injury or damage.

Other Pictures of Colby (Courtesy Post) (click to see larger version):

Colby (Courtesy Post) Colby (Courtesy Post)