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Bella-Urgent (courtesy post)'s Web Page

Bullmastiff  : :  Female  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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About Bella-Urgent (courtesy post)

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
This is a courtesy post, so please do not contact Rescue Ridge, but instead contact Kristen, Supervisor at Southern Ocean County Animal Facility, Manahawkin NJ at 609-978-0127 or Lisa Flynn volunteer, cell 609-709-1037. Bella is a Bull Mastiff mix, female, 2/12 yrs old, UTD on routine vaccinations. She is nice and friendly with people, good with other dogs, mellow personality. She will be spayed if that has not already been done. Bella is an all-around easy going great dog. During temperament test, when the plastic hand tried to take her rawhide, she bit the plastic hand. She was OK with her food during the test. The county will not allow her up for adoption since she is rawhide possessive. If you are interested in adopting Bella, Rescue Ridge will rescue her and she can be adopted through them. Or she can be rescued by another rescue organization. If she cannot find a rescue to take her or someone to adopt her through Rescue Ridge, she will face euthanasia. She does not deserve to be killed just because she is possessive of rawhide. Disclaimer: This website is used as a medium for any dog in need of a home. No information on this site is guaranteed. This site owner and the volunteers accept no responsibility for any liability or for any injury or damages to any person or property caused by any listed animals as well as any cause of action, claims, suits or demands whatsoever that may arise as a result of such injury or damage. Adopted on 6/6/2011.

Other Pictures of Bella-Urgent (courtesy post) (click to see larger version):

Bella-Urgent (courtesy post) Bella-Urgent (courtesy post)