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11/7/2022 10:37 AM
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Carly (courtesy post)'s Web Page

American Staffordshire Terrier / Pit Bull Terrier / Mixed  : :  Female  : :  Young  : :  Medium

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About Carly (courtesy post)

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Species: Dog
  • Housetrained: Yes
This is a courtesy post, so please do not contact Rescue Ridge, but instead contact Michael at mpfaff922@verizon.net or 848-448-8251. All of Carly's videos can be seen here. Carly is a wonderful 2-year old female pit bull. She is super lovable and affectionate. She loves to snuggle and loves nothing more than to be with people. She is such a happy, loving little dog. If people would only give her a chance, they would fall in love with her. She has such personality! She is house trained, up to date on her shots and spayed. She is about 47 lbs. Carly lives with a female dog that she does not get along with. The owner feels that it is the the other dog that is the problem. Carly is very close to her male companion and has no growling or protecting with food, treats, toys, etc. with him. She can't get close enough to him whenever they are together and they constantly play and chase each other. Her owners are trying to keep the two females separated in the home and it's very difficult for the family and for the dogs. Please consider opening your heart and home to this sweet girl. Adopted on 6/26/2011. Disclaimer: This website is used as a medium for any dog in need of a home. No information on this site is guaranteed. This site owner and the volunteers accept no responsibility for any liability or for any injury or damages to any person or property caused by any listed animals as well as any cause of action, claims, suits or demands whatsoever that may arise as a result of such injury or damage.

Other Pictures of Carly (courtesy post) (click to see larger version):

Carly (courtesy post) Carly (courtesy post)