This is a courtesy post, so please do not contact Rescue Ridge, but instead contact Lisa at or 732-778-7898.
Champ is a delightful one-year-old pit bull who was rescued by a young gentleman a couple of months ago. At first, he got along fine with the 3-month-old puppy living in the home. But now Champ is showing some dominance with the puppy so his owner has decided that he needs to find Champ a home without other dogs.
Champ has never been around cats so we don't know how he would be with them. When you first meet him, Champ can be a bit standoffish but it doesn't take long for him to warm up to you. He's very affectionate and loyal once he gets to know and trust you. He's an energetic dog and loves to go for long walks.
Champ needs an experienced owner who can take time to train him properly and to socialize him with other dogs. He's young and it shouldn't take long for him to learn how to get along. He's not aggressive - he just thinks he's the boss right now and needs to be taught.
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