Bella is as lovely as her name. She is young, full of life and wants a family to call her own. She seems to be a mix of shepherd, sharpei and maybe some chow, only because she has a black spot on her tongue. She is a happy girl who could use a few pounds to round out her wonderful personality. Her face says it all....she'd be a welcome addition to any home! She is very obedient, loves to be hugged and rides very well in the car. A very beautiful girl inside and out. She also happens to be a phenomenal animal advocate. she has been extremely instrumental in calming our newbees and working with our "issue" pets. A true gem she is.
Please click the 'Rescue Ridge' link above, to see a video of Bella.
Followup: After waiting for one and one-half years, Bella was adopted
on '07-10-03.
More about Bella
Not Good with Cats
Other Pictures of Bella (click to see larger version):